Dr. Neu's research involves the understanding and prediction of the fatigue behavior of materials and closely related topics. Specifically, he has published in areas involving thermomechanical fatigue, high-temperature fatigue, fretting fatigue, creep and environmental effects, viscoplastic deformation and damage development, and related constitutive and finite-element modeling with a particular emphasis on the role of the material's microstructure on the deformation and degradation processes.
Professor Neu has investigated a broad range of materials including steels, titanium alloys, Ni -base superalloys, metal matrix composites, and solder alloys used in electronic packaging. His research has widespread applications in aerospace, surface transportation, power generation, machinery components, and electronic packaging. His work involves the prediction of the long-term reliability of components focusing on critical locations such as the dovetail connection between the blade and disk in gas turbine engines and solder interconnects in electronic packaging. His research is funded by some of these industries as well as government funding agencies.
- B.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1986
- M.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1988
- Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1991
- 6th International Symposium on Fretting Fatigue Best Paper Award, 2010
- Sigma Xi (Georgia Tech Chapter) President, 2008-2010
- APPI Engineering Conference Stowe Best Paper Award, 2006
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Orr Best Paper Award, 2006
- American Society for Testing and Materials Symposium on Thermomechanical Fatigue Behavior of Materials, Best Presented Paper Award, 1998
- American Society for Engineering Education Outstanding New Mechanics Educator Award, 1998
- American Society for Testing and Materials E-8 Committee on Fatigue and Fracture Keith J. Miller Young Investigator Award, 1997
Representative Publications
- Kupkovits, R.A. and Neu, R.W., "Thermomechanical fatigue of a directionally-solidified Ni-base superalloy: Smooth and cylindrically-notched specimens," International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 32, No. 8, 2010, pp. 1330-1342.
- Alley, E.S. and Neu, R.W., "Microstructure-sensitive Modeling of Rolling Contact Fatigue," International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 32, 2010, pp. 841-850.
- Yang, D., Singh, P.M., and Neu, R.W., "Initiation and Propagation of Stress-Assisted Corrosion (SAC) Cracks in Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes," Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 129, October 2007, pp. 559-566.
- Shenoy, M.M., Gordon, A.P., McDowell, D.L., and Neu, R.W., "Thermomechanical Fatigue Behavior of a Directionally Solidified Ni-base Superalloy," Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology , Vol. 127, July 2005, pp. 325-336.
- Swalla, D.R., Neu, R.W., and McDowell, D.L., "Microstructural Characterization of Ti-6Al-4V Subjected to Fretting," Journal of Tribology , Vol. 126, October 2004, pp. 809-816.
- Goh, C.-H., Wallace, J.M., Neu, R.W., and McDowell, D.L., "Polycrystal Plasticity Simulations of Fretting Fatigue," International Journal of Fatigue , Vol. 23, Supplement 1, 2001, pp. S423-S435.
- Neu, R.W., Scott, D.T., and Woodmansee, M.W., "Thermomechanical Behavior of 96Sn-4Ag and Castin Alloy," Journal of Electronic Packaging , Vol. 123, September 2001, pp. 238-246.
- Neu, R.W., Pape, J.A., and Swalla, D.R., "Methodologies for Linking Nucleation and Propagation Approaches for Predicting Life under Fretting Fatigue," Fretting Fatigue: Current Technology and Practices, ASTM STP 1367 , D.W. Hoeppner, V. Chandrasekaran, and C.B. Elliott, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000, pp. 369-388.